The end of sunset this evening taken at resident access 1 on West Gulf Drive, from the beach on Sanibel Island, Florida. It was a different looking sky, because usually we see fingers of light coming through the clouds. This time there were fingers of clouds covering the light. It was truly beautiful just after the sun went down.

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Sky Watch is brought to you each Thursday evening at 7:30 PM, GMT by The Sky Watch Team, Tom, Sandy, IMAC , Klaus, Ivar, Wren & Fishing Guy. Be sure to thank them for their kind efforts.
That is a terrific photo, looks like the light is leading somewhere.
Happy SWF.
I loved how the clouds scattered all over! It's like splashing a pail of paint in a canvass. Great shot.
Mine is posted here and here. Hope you could drop by, too! Happy weekends!
the streaming sky - what a great capture
Hey, that really IS unusual...
Wonderful perspective in the clouds:)
amazing...sunsets are fantastic....
Tootie: What a neat Sky and a wonderful grouping of moving clouds.
Ooh, wow...That's way cool! Subtle, yet dramatic. Great shot. :)
It sucks me right in to the horizon. Great!
That is a very pretty cloud formation that you found. I can't think of any like that I have seen before. Thank you.
Thanks too for peeking at my bear on the fan looking down find, and for your nice comment.
Absolutely beautiful!
What a great expanse of sky!
It is very like a negative image, isn't it.
Beautiful dramatic photo!
A big WOW! The colors are wonderful, but the bigness of it all is what intrigues me the most. Terrific shot!
Tootie - that is an awesome sky. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)
Those clouds are like a shotgun blast! Great shot.
It does look like!
This is beautiful! Greetings from Iowa.
very cool photo! Happy SWF!~
Your photo is stunning!
Oh my Tootie! I would have been shuddering (not shuttering LOL) at the sight of that grim reaper! Great clouds! Have a wonderful weekend.
My SkyWatch is at Views From My Camera
WOW! Gorgeous picture!
Really gorgeous--like a painting. Beautiful.
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